
succinate dehydrogenase complex subunit C


This gene encodes one of four nuclear-encoded subunits that comprise succinate dehydrogenase, also known as mitochondrial complex II, a key enzyme complex of the tricarboxylic acid cycle and aerobic respiratory chains of mitochondria. The encoded protein is one of two integral membrane proteins that anchor other subunits of the complex, which form the catalytic core, to the inner mitochondrial membrane. There are several related pseudogenes for this gene on different chromosomes. Mutations in this gene have been associated with paragangliomas. Alternatively spliced transcript variants have been described. [provided by RefSeq, May 2013]



External Links
GeneCards , NCBI

Executive summary

  • SDHC was screened in 216 cell lines with 4 shRNAs, and 285 cell lines with 5 shRNAs.
  • No significant models found for SDHC

Dependency profile

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Scatterplots of dependency vs Expression/Copy Number

Scatterplot Dependency vs Expression

Placeholder while we fetch the data
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Scatterplot Dependency vs Copy Number

Placeholder while we fetch the data
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Gene's correlated to SDHC's dependency profile

Table genes' correlated

Correlated gene dependency Correlation (r) Z_score

Correlation graph for SDHC

Biomarkers for dependency on SDHC (ATLANTIS)

Context Dependency dataset Biomarker types Biomarker subset Score transform Top biomarker R^2 P-Value FDR Reports

ShRNA Hairpin level scores

55k shRNA library (v2.4.6)

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98k shRNA library (v2.19.2)

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ShRNA Quality

shRNA ID Gene Symbol Seed1 Sequence Seed2 Sequence Gene Rsquared Seed1 Rsquared Seed2 Rsquared Seeds Rsquared Other Gene Rsquared Total Rsquared Alpha1 Alpha2 Beta Other Gene Symbol